A Special Note for Lawyers

The lawyers' section of www.ClientPlaza.com functions as an advertising bulletin board and is not a connection service. Lawyers advertise their names on the website. Prospective clients can view the names of all lawyers who advertise on the site. In addition, for no extra charge to either the lawyer or potential client, ClientPlaza.com mediates a potential client's contact with a lawyer who becomes interested in making an appointment with them. The potential client makes available to all the registered lawyers in their geographic area a synopsis of his or her circumstance; any of those lawyers can choose to view the synopsis and then decide to tell ClientPlaza.com they would like to pursue the matter further. ClientPlaza.com then passes that lawyer's contact information to the potential client.

ClientPlaza.com's communication section for lawyers is guileless, charges only for static advertising, ensures coercion is impossible, is open to all lawyers in a potential client's geographic area (as defined by the client), and displays the names of all the lawyers inside the geographic area defined by the client who have paid a registration fee to have their name appear on the roll of advertisers. In addition, ClientPlaza.com doesn't refer a lawyer toward a client and, because it doesn't choose which lawyer will be most conspicuous to a particular client, it doesn't refer a client toward a lawyer (lawyers in the geographic area choose which of them will be most conspicuous). Therefore, ClientPlaza.com's section for lawyers is advertising, not a connection service.

A Special Note for Some Providers of Medical Services

Professionals in the practice of medical services who are not allowed to pay for mere connections need not worry. First, as is outlined in the Special Note to Lawyers, above, ClientPlaza.com is not a connection service, nor does the process by which clients/patients are connected with providers of medical services constitute a connection. Nevertheless, it is almost as important to be seen to be within the spirit and letter of the rules as it is to be within them. Therefore, until such time as the various Medical Associations come to a consensus on the absence of mere connections within ClientPlaza.com’s processes, those professionals pay only a one-time fee to become registered with ClientPlaza.com.

No instance of service by ClientPlaza.com associated with a business whose practitioners are not allowed by law or professional code to pay for mere connections has any charge or fee connected with it, collected from either the service provider or the client/patient. In addition, no other revenue directly proceeding from the process of facilitating such services is sought or accepted by ClientPlaza.com (for example, there is no advertising displayed in ClientPlaza.com's sections processing services for those professions). The intent of this policy of ClientPlaza.com is to act and be seen to act within the letter and spirit of laws and professional codes of conduct related to protecting clients and patients from behaviors potentially incited by the business interests of providers of some medical services.

To be complete: ClientPlaza.com does hope for an indirect benefit to its business by providing its service for medical professionals. ClientPlaza.com works hard to encourage people to think of it as their source for just about any service - their Master Service Site - and that people develop and maintain the habit of looking to ClientPlaza when they seek any service in the community. Since so many people seek so many medical services, facilitating connections to those services is important to ClientPlaza.com’s effort.

Note: Corporate entities registering their applicable services with ClientPlaza.com (the services they offer which are delivered by professionals who are precluded from paying for mere connections) also enjoy the benefit of not paying for connections to those services. Services registered by corporate entities delivered by practitioners NOT precluded from paying for mere connections are not included in this policy - even when the same corporate entity registers services in both categories. Therefore, a single corporate entity would not pay, for example, for connections to their Doctors, but would pay for connections to their Physical Therapists.

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